There are so many brilliant tech companies in NZ who just need a little help to supercharge their growth.

Helen Shorthouse - Founder

What’s our why?

Our mission is to help you grow effectively. We give the strategy, tools and techniques to NZ tech & innovation companies, enabling them to grow effectively and shine their brilliance to their worlds

Many marketing agencies or contractors focus on the tactics only. We are different.

  • Strategic leadership and direction underpins what we do

  • Pragmatic and focused on taking practical action (it’s not all talk)

  • Customer centred - together we make sure we really understand your customers and what they want

  • Sales & marketing alignment for growth

Helen is the Founder and leads the work on strategy with clients.

But strategy is only effective if it gets successfully executed.

If you don’t have the people in house, we will help you deliver. We’re not an ‘agency’ but a ‘collective’ of people who bring in skills and expertise to make things happen, as and when required. You can see some of them below…

Meet the Team

Why we’re B Corp Certified

Whether you are at work, or at home - how you live and what you do makes a difference.

Helen has always believed strongly in the saying "be the change you want to see in the world" and is super proud that Shorthouse Consulting is B Corp Certified; in fact, we’re the only tech-marketing company in NZ who is (we think).

B Corp is a global movement of businesses who like us, recognise running a business is not just about making money; we have a role to positively impact ALL stakeholders, including employees, communities, customers, and planet.  

Some of the ways we currently do this are:

  • ​​A formal commitment to donating the equivalent of 5%+ of revenues to charitable partners each year (including cash and pro bono time donations)

  • Considering the environmental impact of decisions

  • Sourcing locally and supporting organisations with diverse, or typically under-represented ownership where we can

  • Supporting our local tech ecosystem

We like doing business with people that care too.

Let’s start your success story.