Webinar: Talk to Your Customers | Tech Marketers Group NZ

We all know that talking with customers about their challenges, how they use our products or what's stopping them from buying is incredibly valuable and important. But are you actually doing it?

When was the last time YOU met a customer to talk about them and listen to the frustrations they have?

And we don't mean talking to them about your product and how they use it, but about what they are doing, their priorities, and what challenges they face.

If the answer makes you slightly uncomfortable, or you find talking with customers difficult, this webinar is for you.

This practical session will help you confidently engage with customers and prospects – which, in turn, will positively impact product development and your go-to-market activities.

What we will cover:

  • Why you should talk with customers

  • Some of the reasons people don't talk to their customers

  • Different purposes/teams that customer input can help
    (from product development to marketing messaging)

  • How to do it


Marketing Audit Checklist.


Talk to Your Customers eBook.