Growth Catalyst Workshop Reflections

I recently ran a one-day marketing workshop helping a variety of businesses who want to grow. It was all about building a marketing strategy AND being able to effectively implement it.

There was a sprinkling of education about what marketing is, a pinch of strategy, so people connected their business objectives with their marketing plan, and a healthy stirring through of the practical stuff - to ensure it can actually work in reality.

Each organisation went away with a practical plan, commitments for the first few weeks (which we have since reviewed), and clarity on their priorities for the coming months.

I always enjoy sessions like this, where you see the lights go on as people ‘get’ how marketing, sales and their business objectives all hinge together. It was also a pleasure to see these business leaders engaged and supportive of each other - sharing stories, resources and suggestions.

I also get to learn a lot too - about new businesses and sectors, sometimes with broad and sometimes very niche offerings, and to hear about their successes and key challenges. 

Working with people for whom marketing is not their everyday comfort zone is also fun and challenging for me. I have to think about how I explain concepts and principles that seem easy to grasp for me, but sometimes are completely alien to them. 

This is not unlike many businesses I work with - who have specific areas of expertise, where you know your niche really well, are surrounded by people who know and ‘get’ it internally, but then have to articulate it in a way that makes simple sense to your target customer. 

Maybe you recognise this in your business!? 

I thought it would be useful to share some of the key points that came out of the workshop. This is not a structured list, but shows where the key insights and lightbulbs came for these business owners. 

There may be something of use for your business this year. 

  1. Focus - Focus on what really matters, rather than trying to do it all 

  2. Content pillars are key

    • Pick 3-5 key content themes that support your business goals

    • Honing in on 3-5 main themes helps keep messaging consistent and stops customers and prospects being confused by what you are offering or saying

  3. Recycling content across different platforms is a real time-saver

    • Effective marketing is about being consistent and delivering quality, not about churning out loads of content 

    • Get more mileage out of your content by adapting it for different platforms

  4. Set achievable goals 

    • Think about how you’ll get everything done 

    • Outsource, upskill, and prioritise marketing activities to make the most of limited time and money

  5. Consider outsourcing tasks that aren't your strong suit

    • When it comes to outsourcing, clear goals are crucial. Knowing exactly what you need makes it easier to find the right expertise and only pay for the right stuff

  6. Regular check-ins and accountability keep things on track

    • Having quarterly reviews ensures strategies stay relevant and can adapt to changing needs

  7. Building a marketing system that lasts is just as important as churning out content

    • It's about playing the long game, not just quick wins

I hope you are coming to the end of the calendar year feeling proud of what you have achieved and are ready with a practical, realistic plan to deliver your business objectives for the year ahead.

If you need help, advice or support - get in touch

Or visit the Resources section on my website, as I have loads of practical blogs and tools you can access to help your business. 

I help growing tech and innovation companies to build a realistic plan that delivers to their business objectives and to support them in delivery and implementation. 

I’d love to talk

Helen Shorthouse

Virtual / Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

Shorthouse Consulting

021 900335


Marketing Calendar.