Tramping is Just Like Running a Business!

I didn’t mean to write a blog about tramping but it kind of wrote itself!

During my recent solo 3 day tramp on Bank's Peninsula, I found myself reflecting on my own business and those I've been lucky enough to work with.  There seemed some surprising similarities between my tramping experience and what I see in the business world...

Have a plan but be open to changes: 

It's good to know ultimately where you’re heading but you may encounter some surprises along the way that you didn't have in your plan.  Give yourself permission to be fluid and allow for a readjust.

Disappointments happen but focus on the bigger picture: 

I was disappointed not to be alone in the hut on Sunday night, however, I had to remind myself that my main objective had been to do a solo walk and spend some time alone with my thoughts. Tick.  I certainly got that! 

You’ll never know who you impact along the way:

As you go through life having multiple interactions and conversations, there are some people and conversations that really influence and stay with you.  The same goes that you never know who you have influenced and touched along the way. 

Have you ever had someone come up to you and say 'thanks' for the introduction, with wise words, or the listening ear?  It might come as a complete surprise, as you had never realised the impact your actions had on this person.  In my experience it also is a wonderful experience to be thanked and acknowledged - it gives me a warm glow!    

The genesis for this tramp was a long time ago.  Several years ago, Nina Lamb (then the Operations Manager for the Canterbury Tech Cluster) was my initial inspiration when she took her young kids to the Rod Donald Hut   I’d never heard of it at that time.  It took me years to get there, but this tramp was entirely planned on me wanting to stay in that hut!

The other inspiration for this trip was my friend, the tech futurist Ben Reid, for his inspiration in taking the time out to smell the roses, reflect and re-energise.  Spending time alone with my thoughts, while enjoying our special environment became my goal for this trip too.

If you get the opportunity, say thanks to those who helped you - thanks Nina & Ben!

Surround yourself with people who believe in you: 

You'll need people around you to encourage you and at times, maybe even give you a little push to begin your journey.  Your support crew are there for you when (not if!) it gets hard and things don't go to plan.  They have got your back and will help lift you up over that fence.

This might be your partner, friends, a mentor, a networking group or trusted advisors.

You know sometimes when you hear negative talk it can bring you down and fill your head with doubts; whereas some people you talk with 'fill your mental cup,' so to speak?

Two nights in two different huts and two different discussions on drinking the water from the tap.  

- Night one there was a water tester, a lab technician and someone who had experienced giardia.  They advocated treating and boiling the water. 

- Night two I was joined by a lady in her 80s who "never" treated the water.

I'm not saying either view was right or wrong - but I found it really interesting to reflect on my own mental chatter on the subject and how it was influenced by those around me.

Take time to apply first aid if needed:

Trust me, It’s better in the long run!

For me this was plasters and Compeed, but for you it could be addressing an employee that’s not performing, doing something about a system or process that just isn't working, getting rid of a painful customer that sucks a disproportionate amount of energy from your team or looking more closely at your cashflow. 

It's about taking the time to apply the plaster before it becomes too painful to deal with, or worse - completely topples your plans. 

Sometimes there’s shit on the path:

Walk around it If you can, but if it's too late you're going to have to deal with it!

Shit aside, equally there are signposts, markers and stiles to help you on your way.  In business, this might take many forms but know that there are often others who’ve been there already and are able to help and coach and point you in the right direction.

New Zealand is truly an amazing place:

I was so full of gratitude for where I live and how much is available right on our doorstep.

Sometimes in business the temptation is to go offshore to get new clients early in your journey.  This may be right for you but I urge you to also consider what’s available on the doorstep.

Take time to look back and reflect on how far you’ve come: 

This is something I really notice about us humans generally and in a business sense, we’re so busy looking at the hill ahead we forget to stop and celebrate how much we’ve achieved. 

This is a good one to end on as we head to the end of the year.  Don't forget to look back and reflect on what you’ve achieved this year.

I think you’ll be pleased!  Celebrate with your team.  You are amazing  :)

Justin Flitter

Founder of NewZealand.AI.

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