
Cultivate & Motivate

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when manifesting your true self.

Helen Shorthouse Helen Shorthouse

A Workation in Bali

A workationis a combination of work and vacation. I’ve seen definitions range from “a pleasurable business trip” to “a working vacation”, which is more of what I was aiming at.

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Helen Shorthouse Helen Shorthouse

Using AI in Marketing

We had a small, but engaged group at the April Tech Marketers Group event in Christchurch which was hosted by Lucy Pink of Contented AI in the beautiful surrounds of the Arts Centre.

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Helen Shorthouse Helen Shorthouse

Do you have a Marketing Engine?

A marketing engine is a set of systems, tools and processes which help you to run your marketing operation. In some organisations there are whole teams dedicated just to marketing operations, but that is not the reality for many with tighter budgets, or earlier on their journey.

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Helen Shorthouse Helen Shorthouse

Crossing the Chasm.

This book is essentially an ABC of tech marketing and has many words of wisdom for those in the early and scaling stages.

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Helen Shorthouse Helen Shorthouse

Do one thing well!

Even marketing professionals often get distracted by being busy pumping out content, but it's often tactical and not as effective in driving your business objectives. 

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Helen Shorthouse Helen Shorthouse

B2B Selling is Not All About Logical Decisions

Whether you are creating your ideal customer persona, developing your marketing messaging, updating your website, or briefing your sales team - don’t forget to think about the personal drivers of the people you are trying to persuade.

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Helen Shorthouse Helen Shorthouse

Do You Have Sales Tools that Aren’t Selling?

One of the most common issues I come across is the disconnect between the sales and marketing teams.  It creates a disjointed experience for customers and costs organisations money, both in lost opportunities and wasted staff time.   

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Helen Shorthouse Helen Shorthouse

Sales in a tough environment

By analysing and really understanding what is causing the slowdown you can make decisions and formulate a plan based on fact and evidence, rather than gut-feel.

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